On Fri, 18 Dec 2009 08:34:15 -0800, Peter Seibel said:
I was using WITH-TIMEOUT the other day and it seems that it doesn't quite hide the underlying implementation quite enough: on SBCL it signals an SBCL-specific condition when it times out. Thus to handle the timeout you have to either handle that specific condition or something too broad (like CONDITION). Perhaps BT:WITH-TIMEOUT should handle the underlying condition and signal a BT-defined condition so this code can be written portably. I could provide a patch for SBCL (and probably Allegro) if folks think this is a good idea.
I think it would be better to remove WITH-TIMEOUT completely, because it is too dangerous to use in production code. It causes a throw from a random point in the program, so there is no way to use it safely with UNWIND-PROTECT without extra code to prevent that. -- Martin Simmons LispWorks Ltd http://www.lispworks.com/