I think this is a great improvement on the default condition variable implementation. Please can someone with commit access apply this patch? -- Martin Simmons LispWorks Ltd http://www.lispworks.com/
On Wed, 03 Feb 2010 22:38:10 -0600, Matt Lamari said:
Diff is from published 0.7 to a working copy.
Lispworks pre-6.0 and 6.0 tested (I tested on 5.1 and 6.0)
Added the rest of the API for lispworks.
make-recursive-lock and make-lock are now differentiated in LW6
The real differences come in condition support.
Pre-6.0 (4 and 5) Lispworks has condition variables emulated via lispworks' old polling lock.
Lispworks 6+ condition code just calls through to the new 6.0 condition constructs.
Both pass the unit-test, and both notify only a single thread.
Please add this to the bordeaux-threads tip and publish.
If the format or contents are an impediment please advise so I can correct.
Thanks, Matt