Hi!. Excited to attend. Please put me down for 1.
Also, i'm coming from NYC so if you know anyone with a couch I'm a nice guy
and shower daily. ;)
I'd like to register for the next Boston-Lisp meeting
2008/4/29 Faré <fahree(a)gmail.com>:
> Next Boston Lisp Meeting: Tuesday May 27th 2008, 6pm at MIT 34-401B
> NB: ITA Software, a fine employer of Lisp hackers (full disclosure: I
> work there), has kindly offered to sponsor a dinner for our Monthly
> Boston Lisp Meeting. Please send mail to boston-lisp-meeting-register
> at common-lisp.net with a list of attendees so we may order the
> correct amount of food.
> Ivan Krstić will give a 25' talk about Security and Programming
> Languages. Ivan Krstić http://radian.org/ is notably the prized author
> of Bitfrost, the security architecture for the OLPC XO laptop.
> Greg Cooper will give a 50' talk about FrTime: A Dataflow Extension of
> DrScheme. Dataflow programming extends functional programming with
> time-varying values called signals. Signals provide a simple,
> declarative mechanism for expressing event-driven programs without
> callbacks or explicit side-effects. This talk will present FrTime, an
> extension of PLT Scheme with dataflow evaluation. The language's
> distinguishing features include an event-driven evaluation model,
> transparent reuse of Scheme code, support for reactive data
> structures, and integration with the DrScheme programming environment.
> The talk will include a demonstration of the language and programming
> environment, along with a discussion of the key design decisions and
> main ideas underlying the implementation strategy. Greg Cooper
> developed FrTime while he was a graduate student at Brown University,
> working with Shriram Krishnamurthi. He now works for ITA Software.
> Please note that the meeting is taking place at an unusual date, to
> accommodate for the availability of our main speaker.
> The Lisp Meeting with take place at MIT, room 34-401B. As the numbers
> indicate, this is in Building 34, on the 4th floor.
> MIT map: http://whereis.mit.edu/bin/map?selection=34
> Google map: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=50+Vassar+St,+Cambridge,+MA+02139,+USA
> PS: The previous Boston Lisp Meeting on April 22nd was a success with
> 40 participants, despite a few organizational glitches for which I
> apologize. Thanks a lot to all those who came. I hope we'll meet again
> and have more of those interesting conversations.
> PPS: We're still looking for speakers. We have a lot of potential
> speakers, but not enough confirmed speakers at scheduled dates. The
> call for speakers and all the other details are at
> http://fare.livejournal.com/120393.html
> PPPS: Please forward this information to people who would be
> interested. Please accept my apologies for your receiving this message
> multiple times.
> For more information, see our new web site boston-lisp.org. For posts
> related to the Boston Lisp meetings in general, follow this link:
> http://fare.livejournal.com/tag/boston-lisp-meeting or subscribe to
> our RSS feed: http://fare.livejournal.com/data/rss?tag=boston-lisp-meeting
> [ François-René ÐVB Rideau | Reflection&Cybernethics | http://fare.tunes.org ]
> Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to
> build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying
> to produce bigger and better idiots.
> So far, the Universe is winning.
> -- Rich Cook
> _______________________________________________
> boston-lisp mailing list
> boston-lisp(a)common-lisp.net
> http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/boston-lisp