I plan on attending the Monday, July 21st Boston Lisp Meeting and would like take advantage of the buffet. Thanks for all the hard work in planning these meetings!!! John ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Faré <fare@tunes.org> Date: Sun, Jul 13, 2008 at 10:46 PM Subject: [boston-lisp] Next Boston Lisp Meeting: Monday July 21st 2008, 6pm at MIT 34-401B To: boston-lisp@common-lisp.net Next Boston Lisp Meeting: Monday July 21st 2008, 6pm at MIT 34-401B NB1: I apologize for the late announcement and the short notice. NB2: ITA Software, a fine employer of Lisp hackers (disclosure: I work there), is kindly purchasing a buffet to accompany our Monthly Boston Lisp Meeting. Anyone who attends is welcome to partake. We appreciate it if you let us know you're coming, and what food taboos you have, so that we can order the right amount of food. Tell us by sending email to boston-lisp-meeting-register at common-lisp.net. We won't send any acknowledgment unless requested; importantly, we'll keep your identity and address confidential and won't communicate any such information to anyone, not even to our sponsors. * Jay McCarthy will give a 25' talk about Cryptographic Protocol Explication and End-Point Projection. Cryptographic protocols are useful for engineering trust in transactions. There are several languages for describing these protocols, but these tend to capture the communications from the perspective of an individual role. In contrast, traditional protocol descriptions as found in a state of nature tend to employ a whole-protocol description, resulting in an impedance mismatch. In this talk we present two results to address this gap between human descriptions and deployable specifications. The first is an end-point projection technique that consumes an explicit whole-protocol description and generates specifications that capture the behavior of each participant role. In practice, however, many whole-protocol descriptions contain idiomatic forms of implicit specification. We therefore present our second result, a transformation that identifies and eliminates these implicit patterns, thereby preparing protocols for end-point projection. Concretely, our tools consume protocols written in our whole-protocol language, WPPL, and generate role descriptions in the cryptographic protocol programming language, CPPL. We have formalized and established properties of the transformations using the Coq proof assistant. We have validated our transformations by applying them successfully to almost all the protocols in the SPORE repository. This talk will be based off a paper co-authored that has been accepted at ESORICS, a joint work with Shriram Krisnamurthi. Jay McCarthy http://jay.teammccarthy.org/ is completing his PhD at Brown University under Shriram Krisnamurthi, and will be a professor of Computer Science next year at Brigham Young University. * * There may or may not be a second speaker (to be announced), or some other community activity. Suggestions sought. * * * Please note that the meeting is taking place not at NEU (like previous times) but at MIT (like the times before that). The location is subject to change but the usual room will hopefully be confirmed soon. Please also note that the date is next week. My apologies once again for the short notice. The Lisp Meeting will take place on Monday July 21st at MIT, Room 34-401B. As the numbers indicate, this is in Building 34, on the 4th floor. MIT map: http://whereis.mit.edu/bin/map?selection=34 Google map: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=50+Vassar+St,+Cambridge,+MA+02139,+USA Many thanks go to Alexey Radul for arranging for the room, and to MIT for welcoming us. * * * * The previous Boston Lisp Meeting on June 25th was a success despite only 34 participants. Those who didn't come missed two very interesting presentations, followed by great food and intense discussion. We're always looking for more speakers. The call for speakers and all the other details are at http://fare.livejournal.com/120393.html Please forward this information to people you think would be interested. Please accept my apologies for your receiving this message multiple times. For more information, see our new web site boston-lisp.org. For posts related to the Boston Lisp meetings in general, follow this link: http://fare.livejournal.com/tag/boston-lisp-meeting or subscribe to our RSS feed: http://fare.livejournal.com/data/rss?tag=boston-lisp-meeting _______________________________________________ boston-lisp mailing list boston-lisp@common-lisp.net http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/boston-lisp -- jcardente@gmail.com "The best way to predict the future is to invent it." - Alan Kay