I will be attending the May 27 meeting.


Faré <fahree@gmail.com> wrote:
This is a reminder that our Next Boston Lisp Meeting will be next week
on Tuesday May 27th 2008, 6pm at MIT 34-401B. Speaking will be Ivan
Krstic on Programming Languages and Security, followed by Greg Cooper
on the MzScheme-based reactive programming language FrTime. Dinner
will be served afterwards, as offered by our sponsor ITA Software.
Thanks to MIT for hosting us and to Alexey Radul for obtaining us a
room at MIT.

PLEASE REGISTER FOR THE DINNER by sending email with list of participants to

The original announcement is there:
Please forward it to all people concerned.

The official site for our Meetings is:

NB: the next next meeting will take place on Wednesday June 25th at
NEU Shillman Hall (Building 30) Room 135
(note the different location), and will feature as speakers Danny Yoo
on DivaScheme, and Shriram Krishnamurthi on a topic to be announced.
Many thanks to NEU for hosting, and to Richard Cobbe for getting us a
room there.

[ François-René ÐVB Rideau | Reflection&Cybernethics | http://fare.tunes.org ]
Those who do not understand Lisp are condemned to reinvent Unix, poorly.
-- Faré, without apologies to Henry Spencer.
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