Boston Lisp Meeting:
Thursday 2012-08-30
Eli Barzilay on Hygienic Macros for Beginners and Power Users
A Boston Lisp Meeting will take place on Thursday, August 30th 2012 at 1800 at
MIT 32-D463 (Star conference room). Eli Barzilay will speak about Hygienic
Macros for Beginners and Power Users.
Additionally, we will have two Lightning Talks. Speakers to be announced.
1 Eli Barzilay on Hygienic Macros for Beginners and Power Users
Eli Barzilay will explain how you too can enjoy the power and safety of
hygienic macro to build the syntactic abstractions with which to elegantly
express your programs.
Eli Barzilay, who teaches and does research at NEU, is one of the maintainers
of PLT Racket.
2 Lightning Talks
At every meeting, before the main talk, there are two slots for strictly timed
5-minute "Lightning Talks" each followed by 2 minutes for questions and
The slots for next meeting are still open. Step up and come talk about your pet
project! Contact me at fare at
3 Time and Location
The Lisp Meeting will take place on Thursday, August 30th 2012 at 1800 (6pm) at
MIT 32-D463 (Star conference room).
The Star conference room, MIT 32-D463 on the fourth floor of the Ray and Maria
Stata Center, 32 Vassar St, Cambridge MA 02139. NB: there are two sets of
elevators, you want to use those on the south-western side, further away from
Main St.
MIT map:
Google map:
Many thanks go to Professor Gerald J. Sussman for arranging for the room, and
to MIT for welcoming us.
4 Dinner
We don't have any sponsors to offer us dinner, but we're big boys and can
provide for ourselves. Before we start the conference, we'll organize a big
pizza order, where those who want can chip in; after the conference is when
we'll eat it.
5 More about the Meeting
We are resuming the Boston Lisp Meeting after a hyatus of over a year and a
We're always looking for more speakers. The call for speakers and all the other
details are at: Volunteers to give
Lightning Talks are also sought.
For more information, see our web site
boston-lisp/ For posts related to the Boston Lisp meetings in general, follow
this link: or subscribe to
our RSS feed:
Please forward this information to people you think would be interested. Please
accept my apologies for your receiving this message multiple times. My
apologies if this announce gets posted to a list where it shouldn't, or fails
to get posted to a list where it should. Feedback welcome by private email
reply to fare at
OK, so it's a bit late to organize a full Boston Lisp Meeting for July.
Instead, let's just have a lightning talk extravaganza
Tuesday next week 2012-07-24, at 6pm.
Pavel, can we reserve the Star Room that evening?
Otherwise, we'll find another room...
Lightning talk format: You have 5 minutes to speak.
One ding at 4 minutes to warn you, and
one gong at 5 minutes and you must stop talking.
Then 2 minutes for questions
while the next speaker plugs in his computer.
Rehearse early, rehearse often --
you can rehearse 6 times in half an hour!
I'm candidate for one lightning talk on a few cool hacks
made possible with recent ASDF releases.
Can you email me to submit me your lightning talk proposals?
PS: many people have expressed interest in a recording of Kalman Reti's talk.
What we have is not perfect but it will hopefully be of interest to you.
Inaudible questions have been cut out.
—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics•
The politicians have a most touching faith in technology — that it can make
up for any dumb thing the politicians decide to do. — John McCarthy
Boston Lisp Meeting:
Thursday 2012-06-28
Kalman Reti on Symbolics Lisp Machines
A Boston Lisp Meeting will take place on
Thursday, June 28th 2012 at 1800 at MIT 32-D463 (Star conference room).
Kalman Reti will speak about Symbolics Lisp Machines.
Additionally, we will have two Lightning Talks. Speakers to be announced.
1 Kalman Reti on Symbolics Lisp Machines
Kalman Reti will talk about some of the history of the Lisp machine and some
features of the Symbolics Lisp machines that were unique, including both
hardware and software features. He'll discuss how the Alpha emulator works and
Brad Parker's hack to make it run on 64bit modern machines. Finally he'll
demonstrate Genera running on his laptop.
Kalman Reti worked for Symbolics from 1982 through 1992, mostly on VLSI tools
for Ivory but also writing low-level device support (e.g. a LMFS recovery
utility, R/W optical drive support, LZW compressor, etc.) The last few years of
that were spent doing customer consulting. After being laid off when Symbolics
went into chapter 11, Kalman worked for Apple in Cambridge, first on MCL and
later, after MCL was sold to Digitool, on Dylan. Kalman was hired after that by
Symbolics Technology, Inc., who had acquired the assets of Symbolics from the
bankruptcy court, to work on further productizing the emulator for the Alpha.
This was used by John Mallery at MIT to run his document distribution system
for the White House during the Clinton presidency. When the owners of that
venture decided that a financial company had no business owning a computer
company, a private individual bought the assets and Kalman spent 4 years as a
"captive consultant" for him. Since 2002, when he ran out of money, I've worked
for Ab Initio (doing nothing with lisp except emacs hacks).
2 Lightning Talks
At every meeting, before the main talk, there are two slots for strictly timed
5-minute "Lightning Talks" each followed by 2 minutes for questions and
The slots for next meeting are still open. Step up and come talk about your pet
project! Contact me at fare at
3 Time and Location
The Lisp Meeting will take place on Thursday, June 28th 2012 at 1800 (6pm) at
MIT 32-D463 (Star conference room).
The Star conference room, MIT 32-D463 on the fourth floor of the Ray and Maria
Stata Center, 32 Vassar St, Cambridge MA 02139. NB: there are two sets of
elevators, you want to use those on the south-western side, further away from
Main St.
MIT map:
Google map:,+Vassar+Street,+Cambridge,+MA
Many thanks go to Professor Gerald J. Sussman for arranging for the room, and
to MIT for welcoming us.
4 Dinner
We don't have any sponsors to offer us dinner, but we're big boys and can
provide for ourselves. Before we start the conference, we'll organize a big
pizza order, where those who want can chip in; after the conference is when
we'll eat it.
5 More about the Meeting
We're always looking for more speakers. The call for speakers and all the other
details are at: Volunteers to give
Lightning Talks are also sought.
For more information, see our web site
boston-lisp/ For posts related to the Boston Lisp meetings in general, follow
this link: or subscribe to
our RSS feed:
Please forward this information to people you think would be interested. Please
accept my apologies for your receiving this message multiple times. My
apologies if this announce gets posted to a list where it shouldn't, or fails
to get posted to a list where it should. Feedback welcome by private email
reply to fare at
Did i say 29th? My bad.
I meant
Thursday, June 28th 2012.
at 6pm
at MIT 32-D463 (star).
That's the date and location for the next Boston Lisp Meeting.
Kalman Reti has volunteered to give a demo of the Symbolics Lisp Machine
(Kalman, is this date OK for you?)
I still propose we make it a potluck and/or order fest.
Let's meet as early as 5:30 and order food for 7pm.
—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics•
One good Husband is worth two good Wives; for the scarcer things are,
the more they're valued.
— Benjamin Franklin
On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 8:41 PM, Pavel Panchekha <me(a)> wrote:
>> June 29th
> Uhh.... 28th?
Dear Boston Lisp hackers,
I wanted to have a meeting on June 29th, but for various reasons,
none of intended speakers could make it in the end.
I have a room reserved though (same as last time).
We could either:
1- meet there, have impromptu speeches and hacking sessions,
and bring or order food, potluck style
2- meet at a food place instead.
I propose 1, a formula we never tried, to see what gives. Any taker?
—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics•
Slogans rarely convince the unconvinced. However, they do rally the troops
already on your side. — John McCarthy
Boston Lisp Meeting:
Thursday 2012-05-17
Zach Beane on Quicklisp
A Boston Lisp Meeting will take place on Thursday, May 17th 2012 at 1800 at MIT
32-D463 (Star conference room). Zach Beane will speak about Quicklisp.
Additionally, we will have two Lightning Talks. James Knight will discuss his
ideas on how Common Lisp hackers could better collaborate. François-René Rideau
will present recent Common Lisp hacks including ASDF 2.21, λ-reader,
inferior-shell, and more.
1 Zach Beane on Quicklisp
Quicklisp is a library manager for Common Lisp. It works with your existing
Common Lisp implementation to download, install, and load any of over 700
libraries with a few simple commands.
Zach Beane, also known as Xach, is a Common Lisp hacker known for the cool toys
he builds and his "just do it" attitude.
2 Lightning Talks
At every meeting, before the main talk, there are two slots for strictly timed
5-minute "Lightning Talks" each followed by 2 minutes for questions and
James Knight will discuss his ideas on what Common Lisp hackers could do to
improve how they share software.
François-René Rideau will present recent Common Lisp hacks: xcvb, asdf,
package-renaming, asdf-encodings, asdf-bundle, λ-reader, reader-interception,
inferior-shell, rpm, fare-memoization, fare-utils.
3 Time and Location
The Lisp Meeting will take place on Thursday, May 17th 2012 at 1800 (6pm) at
MIT 32-D463 (Star conference room).
The Star conference room, MIT 32-D463 on the fourth floor of the Ray and Maria
Stata Center, 32 Vassar St, Cambridge MA 02139. NB: there are two sets of
elevators, you want to use those on the south-western side, further away from
Main St.
MIT map:
Google map:,+Vassar+Street,+Cambridge,+MA
Many thanks go to Professor Gerald J. Sussman for arranging for the room, and
to MIT for welcoming us.
4 Dinner
We don't have any sponsors to offer us dinner, but we're big boys and can
provide for ourselves. Before we start the conference, we'll organize a big
pizza order, where those who want can chip in; after the conference is when
we'll eat it.
5 More about the Meeting
We are resuming the Boston Lisp Meeting after a hyatus of over a year and a
We're always looking for more speakers. The call for speakers and all the other
details are at: Volunteers to give
Lightning Talks are also sought.
For more information, see our web site For posts
related to the Boston Lisp meetings in general, follow this link:
or subscribe to our RSS feed:
Please forward this information to people you think would be interested. Please
accept my apologies for your receiving this message multiple times. My
apologies if this announce gets posted to a list where it shouldn't, or fails
to get posted to a list where it should. Feedback welcome by private email
reply to fare at
Boston Lisp Meeting:
Thursday 2012-05-17
Zach Beane on Quicklisp
A Boston Lisp Meeting will take place on Thursday, May 17th 2012 at 1800 at MIT
32-D463 (Star conference room). Zach Beane will speak about Quicklisp.
Additionally, we will have two Lightning Talks. James Knight will discuss his
ideas on how Common Lisp hackers could better collaborate. François-René Rideau
will present recent Common Lisp hacks including ASDF 2.21, λ-reader,
inferior-shell, and more.
1 Zach Beane on Quicklisp
Quicklisp is a library manager for Common Lisp. It works with your existing
Common Lisp implementation to download, install, and load any of over 700
libraries with a few simple commands.
Zach Beane, also known as Xach, is a Common Lisp hacker known for the cool toys
he builds and his "just do it" attitude.
2 Lightning Talks
At every meeting, before the main talk, there are two slots for strictly timed
5-minute "Lightning Talks" each followed by 2 minutes for questions and
James Knight will discuss his ideas on what Common Lisp hackers could do to
improve how they share software.
François-René Rideau will present recent Common Lisp hacks: xcvb, asdf,
package-renaming, asdf-encodings, asdf-bundle, λ-reader, reader-interception,
inferior-shell, rpm, fare-memoization, fare-utils.
3 Time and Location
The Lisp Meeting will take place on Thursday, May 17th 2012 at 1800 (6pm) at
MIT 32-D463 (Star conference room).
The Star conference room, MIT 32-D463 on the fourth floor of the Ray and Maria
Stata Center, 32 Vassar St, Cambridge MA 02139. NB: there are two sets of
elevators, you want to use those on the south-western side, further away from
Main St.
MIT map:
Google map:,+Vassar+Street,+Cambridge,+MA
Many thanks go to Professor Gerald J. Sussman for arranging for the room, and
to MIT for welcoming us.
4 Dinner
We don't have any sponsors to offer us dinner, but we're big boys and can
provide for ourselves. Before we start the conference, we'll organize a big
pizza order, where those who want can chip in; after the conference is when
we'll eat it.
5 More about the Meeting
We are resuming the Boston Lisp Meeting after a hyatus of over a year and a
We're always looking for more speakers. The call for speakers and all the other
details are at: Volunteers to give
Lightning Talks are also sought.
For more information, see our web site For posts
related to the Boston Lisp meetings in general, follow this link:
or subscribe to our RSS feed:
Please forward this information to people you think would be interested. Please
accept my apologies for your receiving this message multiple times. My
apologies if this announce gets posted to a list where it shouldn't, or fails
to get posted to a list where it should. Feedback welcome by private email
reply to fare at
Let's meet next Thursday at 6pm for a chinese dinner amongst Lispers
and friends,
at Mary Chung in Central Square, Cambridge MA, for a Boston Lisp dinner.
Please email me or send me a text message at 617 575 9012 to confirm
you're coming so I can reserve tables.
—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics•
Instead of loving your enemies, treat your friends a little better.
— Edgar Watson Howe
On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 09:53, Kent M Pitman <kent(a)> wrote:
> Did you decide if you're doing the 4/19 dinner?
I will be there!
> Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2012 11:14:57 -0400
> From: Far? <fahree(a)>
> To: boston-lisp(a)
> Cc: Kent M Pitman <kent(a)>
> Subject: [boston-lisp] 2012-04-19: Boston Lisp Dinner
> Message-ID:
> <CAN7nBXcCDRgZaWW7bwzK5+tgS10_XqtVpDXe5GZaOiWs4d-f9Q(a)
> >
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Let's meet next Thursday at 6pm for a chinese dinner amongst Lispers
> and friends,
> at Mary Chung in Central Square, Cambridge MA, for a Boston Lisp dinner.
> Please email me or send me a text message at 617 575 9012 to confirm
> you're coming so I can reserve tables.
> ??? ? Fran?ois-Ren? ?VB Rideau ?Reflection&Cybernethics?
> Instead of loving your enemies, treat your friends a little better.
> ? Edgar Watson Howe
> On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 09:53, Kent M Pitman <kent(a)> wrote:
> > Did you decide if you're doing the 4/19 dinner?
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2012 12:13:24 -0400
> From: Zach Beane <xach(a)>
> To: Far? <fahree(a)>
> Cc: boston-lisp(a), Kent M Pitman <kent(a)>
> Subject: Re: [boston-lisp] 2012-04-19: Boston Lisp Dinner
> Message-ID: <877gxja9uj.fsf(a)>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> Far? <fahree(a)> writes:
> > Let's meet next Thursday at 6pm for a chinese dinner amongst Lispers
> > and friends,
> > at Mary Chung in Central Square, Cambridge MA, for a Boston Lisp dinner.
> >
> > Please email me or send me a text message at 617 575 9012 to confirm
> > you're coming so I can reserve tables.
> I intend to be there, see you then.
> Zach
> ------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> boston-lisp mailing list
> boston-lisp(a)
> End of boston-lisp Digest, Vol 48, Issue 2
> ******************************************