I felt obligated to disclose this email train because other
programmers (possibly those on this list whom he may contact
privately) should know that:
1. whatever he open-sources (before or after dec 21) may be subject
to non-compete issues and patents;
2. Asking pointed questions about both non-compete and patents
did not produce satisfying or complete answers, in that:
3. He appears to have danced around the non-compete issue, mentioning
the agreement and its expiration date in the first email but then
trying to explain
why it wasn't going to be relevant to our discussion;
4. I had to find out about the patent from Google, even though it seems pretty
reasonable to wonder whether a networked method for calculating
newtonian physics
interactions in a simulated virtual world could apply to server code
for an online game,
AND even though I had specifically mentioned patents as a general concern.
If anything, my privately negative reaction to the non-compete
agreement issue might have kept others from hearing about it later,
which could be a problem, since the non-compete issue is what led me
to the patent.
If Mr. Morrison has violated any agreements in talking to me, that's
not my problem.