Hi Alex, Maybe you should advertize the Lisp meetings in meetup http://www.meetup.com/find/?categories=34 See you all tomorrow. On 2/8/13 14:18 , Alex Plotnick wrote:
I'm pleased to announce that Alexey Radul will present his work on the "DysVunctional Language" and its compiler at the next Boston Lisp meeting. The meeting will take place on Thursday, 8 August at 6:00 PM, in the Star Conference room at MIT's Stata Center (MIT 32-D463; <http://whereis.mit.edu/?go=32>).
Abstract: The "Sufficiently Clever Compiler" has become something of a trope in the Lisp community: the mythical beast that promises language and interface designers near-unlimited freedom, and leaves their output in a performance lurch by its non-appearance. A few years ago, I was young enough to join a research project to build one of these things. Neglecting a raft of asterisks, footnotes, and caveats, we ended up making something whose essence is pretty impressive: you pay for abstraction boundaries in compile-time resources, but they end up free at runtime. The prototype was just open-sourced recently, so that makes a good occasion to talk about it.
Bio: Alexey Radul earned his PhD in computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2009. His research interests focus on programming languages, compilers, high-performance computing, and how advances in the design and implementation of programming languages can enable novel applications by expanding the complexity horizon.