Hi Daniel, (am I speaking to one Daniel or two?) Sure, I'd love to do a presentation. I have more than enough material, plus I will ask if the lisp games crowd want to have another game design contest in the interim, so that I could present some results from the community as well. I think I could put together a better demo if I had until the August 29 date to prepare it. It would also be great if I could practice the presentation in front of a few people sometime before the real gig. I don't have much experience with giving presentations (other than the last one in 2009) so a bit of feedback beforehand could be very helpful in making the "live" presentation more effective. While these pages are a little out of date, I have some more information about my libraries and various other projects at http://ioforms.org Does anyone have format suggestions or questions that I can use to make the presentation more helpful or more relevant? On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 10:18 AM, <dherring@tentpost.com> wrote:
David, would you like to kick off the first meeting of a new series?
Do others have things they want to present at this meeting or following ones?
Traditional meeting dates: July 25, August 29, September 26 Any preferences for the kickoff? Any volunteers for room arrangements?