Hi, everyone

I promised to post a link to the github location account where my code is stashed, but I completely forgot.

Here it is: https://github.com/JonathanSmith/cost-calculisp-v2

Any plans for a Boston lisp meeting this month?

On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 8:48 AM, Alex Plotnick <shrike@netaxs.com> wrote:
Just a reminder: Jonathan Smith will be presenting his
work on '$-Calculisp' tonight (12 June) at 6:00 PM in
the usual place (MIT 32-D463). Note the time change from
the last few meetings.

Jonathan's abstract follows. See you there!

        -- Alex

$-Calculus (pronounced  cost calculus), is a descriptive fourth generation
language designed for modeling parallel algorithms, artificial intelligence
applications, and bounded super-Turing computation. $-Calculisp is a domain
specific language modeled on $-Calculus and implemented in Common Lisp.
$-Calculisp is implemented using a variety of techniques based on Common Lisp's
unique macro and object system facilities. Rather than being an interpreter,
it is a macro compiler, expanding $-Calculisp code into efficiently compiled
Common Lisp code. It is intended to be a robust extension to the Common Lisp
language, as such, it allows for integration of regular common lisp functions
alongside $-Calculisp code.