On 12/11/12 23:27 , Faré wrote:
On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 10:47 PM, Marc Battyani marc.battyani@fractalconcept.com wrote:
On 7/11/12 24:42 , Faré wrote:
our next meeting will be on November 20, at a new location, at Google at 3 Cambridge Center next to Kendall Square Station.
Marc Battyani and I will probably give a quick summary of our impressions of ILC'2012 in Kyoto last October (Marc, are you OK with it?)
Sure! On the 20th I should have taken over the flu.
Excellent. Have a prompt recovery!
Thanks! BTW I was disappointed to learn that the flu shots have an efficiency of around 52%. (*)
BTW, Marc are you still up for giving a talk? What about December 18th or 19th?
Sorry but I'm going to Paris on Dec 16th but would be OK for either before or in January.
You're in for January. What about Wednesday January 15th or 22nd?
Both are OK for me.
Marc (*) http://www.cdc.gov/flu/pastseasons/1112season.htm#effective