Maybe this would be fun? Use Google Moderator to accumulate questions: http://
Add more, vote up the ones that interest you.
On the other hand, maybe Faré would rather not :)
- ben
On May 23, 2013, at 3:17 AM, Francois-Rene Rideau wrote:
Boston Lisp Meeting 2013-05-23T18:30 -- Faré: Tutorial on ASDF3
When? TONIGHT, Thursday May 23rd 2013 at 6:30pm.
Where? MIT 32-D463 (Star conference room at the Stata Center).
Who Speaks? François-René Rideau will give a Tutorial on ASDF3
I'm sorry about the short notice on this one; communications problems of all kinds have been gumming up the works. Please feel free to spread the word about the meeting via whatever mechanisms are available to you.
Talk details follow. I hope to see you all there!
Title: "ASDF 3, or lessons in building portable Common Lisp programs"
Summary: "ASDF (Another System Definition Facility) has been the de facto standard Common Lisp build system for over ten years. I recently rewrote it completely, several times, all along mostly preserving backwards compatibility. The latest incarnation, ASDF 3, in addition to fixing deep design bugs older than ASDF itself, also includes extensive portability library, UIOP, not to be confused with an existing parallelizing extension, POIU. I will show how to use ASDF, explain the recent improvements, and discuss the challenges of writing portable Common Lisp programs and what that means for the past and future of Lisp."
About the speaker: "François-René Rideau is a Lisp plumber. On good days, he designs great piping for persistent data, to be used in airline reservation system of ITA (now part of Google). On bad days, he dons his rubber gloves and scrubs the pipes. He also has a blog, Cybernethics, where he writes on liberty, music, programming, and dynamic systems in general."
I apologize for a last minute notice. The piping system is down.