I like how LispNYC alternates monthly between a social event and a "formal" talk / presentation.

Keith M Corbett

On Tuesday, July 30, 2013 at 9:46 AM, Zach Beane wrote:

Alex Plotnick <shrike@netaxs.com> writes:

At or around Mon, 29 Jul 2013 12:02:16 -0400, Zach Beane said:

I'm in town this week, is there any interest in getting together for an
informal dinner on, say, Wednesday night?

I can't speak for others, but I don't think I can make it tomorrow (Wed.).
But I have been arranging for a talk, which looks like it's going to be
next week (probably Thursday).

It's been suggested that we should perhaps just meet once a month on a
set day (the nth foo-day of the month), regardless of whether a formal
talk has been arranged. If there's no talk, then we could do tutorials,
lightning talks, informal sharing of recent cool hacks, or just dinner.
We haven't used this model in the past, but the idea has been growing
on me. What do other people think?

I like it. Other groups do this (LispNYC and Lisp Toronto), it might be
good to get info from them about how it's been working out.
