[boston-lisp] BostonHaskell meeting on 2009-06-23 1830 @ MIT 32-G882

In the wake of my announcing the next Boston Lisp Meeting on 2009-06-29 1800 @ MIT 34-401B http://fare.livejournal.com/144600.html I'd like to forward the announcement of a BostonHaskell meeting on 2009-06-23 @ MIT 32-G882 http://groups.google.com/group/bostonhaskell/browse_thread/thread/f5f4941426... http://bit.ly/JPgva That's next Tuesday, BTW. [ François-René ÐVB Rideau | Reflection&Cybernethics | http://fare.tunes.org ] If a trainstation is where the trains stop, what is then a workstation... -- Lars Lundgren <d95lars@dtek.chalmers.se> ------------ Begin Forwarded Message ------------ From: Ravi Nanavati <r...@bluespec.com> Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 17:51:30 -0400 Local: Tues, Jun 16 2009 5:51 pm Subject: BostonHaskell: Next meeting - June 23rd at MIT CSAIL Reading Room (32-G882) I'm pleased to announce the second meeting of the Boston Area Haskell Users' Group. The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 23rd from 6:30pm - 8:30pm (*). It will be held in the MIT CSAIL Reading Room (32-G882, i.e. a room on the 8th floor of the Gates Tower of the MIT's Stata Center at 32 Vassar St in Cambridge, MA). We have the following two talks scheduled (each intended to be 30-45 minutes each): "Automagic Font Conversion with Haskell Typeclasses" by Frank Berthold "Intermediate Language Representations via GADTs" by Nirav Dave As in the last meeting there will be a break between the talks for discussion and mingling. As we are an informal, unsponsored group, there are no current plans to provide refreshments during the break, but I encourage people to volunteer to provide them (please contact me at r...@bluespec.com so I can keep track of what to expect). I'll make sure to appropriately thank any refreshment volunteers at the meeting. If you have any questions about the meeting please send them to the BostonHaskell mailing list: bostonhaskell@googlegroups.com or contact me directly. I look forward to seeing many Boston area Haskellers next Tuesday! - Ravi Nanavati (*) I interpreted the silence in response to my previous email proposing June 23rd as assent. If this was a bad time or date to pick, please send your scheduling comments to the BostonHaskell list (i.e. bostonhaskell@googlegroups.com) so we can do a better job of picking a date and time in the future.
participants (1)