[boston-lisp] Boston Lisp Meeting: Monday 2010-04-26 Stevie Strickland on Contracts in PLT Scheme

Boston Lisp Meeting: Monday 2010-04-26 Stevie Strickland on Contracts in PLT Scheme http://fare.livejournal.com/156188.html A Boston Lisp Meeting will take place on Monday, April 26nd 2010 at 1800 at NEU WVH 366. Stevie Strickland will speak about Contracts in PLT Scheme. Additionally, we will have two Lightning Talks. Speakers to be announced. Note that lacking a sponsor, buffet will no longer be offered after our meetings. 1 Stevie Strickland on Contracts in PLT Scheme PLT Scheme contains an expressive contract system that gives programmers the power to provide guarantees about the behavior of values and constraints on the acceptable use of those values by others. In this talk, I will present a basic overview of contracts in PLT Scheme, and then present recent work that extends the contract system to handle first-class modules and classes. Stevie Strickland is a graduate student at Northeastern University working for Matthias Felleisen. He is currently investigating contracts and types for first-class components. 2 Lightning Talks At every meeting, before the main talk, there are two slots for strictly timed 5-minute "Lightning Talks" each followed by 2 minutes for questions and answers. The slots for next meeting are still open. Step up and come talk about your pet project! Contact me at fare at tunes.org. 3 Time and Location The Lisp Meeting will take place on Monday, April 26nd 2010 at 1800 (6pm) at NEU WVH 366. Note that it's a new location. This is at Northeastern University, in the Computer Science building WVH (West Village H, see http://tmp.barzilay.org/wvh.jpg this picture) when you arrive from the T on Huntington Avenue near to Parker St (Green E line, stop at Northeastern Station, or possibly Museum of Fine Arts; you can also walk from Ruggles on the Orange line). As the number indicates, the room is on the third floor. Northeastern maps and direction: http://www.northeastern.edu/campusmap/maps.html Many thanks go to Eli Barzilay for arranging for the room, and to Northeastern University for welcoming us. 4 No Dinner We haven't been able to renew sponsorship from our usual partners for 2010, and are not planning to have after-meeting buffet anymore at this point. An informal group will probably gather to have dinner within walking distance of the venue. 5 More about the Meeting The previous Boston Lisp Meeting on Monday, February 22nd 2010 had about 20 participants. Adam Chlipala spoke about A Sane Approach to Modern Web Application Development. Alex Plotnick discussed a potential error in how Common Lisp formalized backquote. François-René Rideau presented Interface-Passing Style as a way to achieve parametric polymorphism and more. http://fare.livejournal.com/154579.html We're always looking for more speakers. The call for speakers and all the other details are at: http://fare.livejournal.com/120393.html Volunteers to give Lightning Talks are also sought. http://fare.livejournal.com/143723.html For more information, see our web site http://boston-lisp.org/ For posts related to the Boston Lisp meetings in general, follow this link: http:// fare.livejournal.com/tag/boston-lisp-meeting or subscribe to our RSS feed: http://fare.livejournal.com/data/rss?tag=boston-lisp-meeting Please forward this information to people you think would be interested. Please accept my apologies for your receiving this message multiple times. My apologies if this announce gets posted to a list where it shouldn't, or fails to get posted to a list where it should. Feedback welcome by private email reply to fare at tunes.org.
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