First of all, congratulations on CDR getting some traction!
Secondly, what's the charter of the cdr-devel list? Is it only for "talking about the CDR process", or are existing CDRs a proper topic too?
If not, I propose a separate list cdr-talk, for which existing CDRs are on topic, and where the subject line should carry a [CDR N] header to indicate which CDR is addressed. (Leaving the cdr-devel for meta-discussions on the process and whatnot.)
Also, can we get the lists (including the archives) on Gmane, please? The subscription form is here:
Finally, have you considered providing a liberal boilerplate licence (eg. CC attribution only, or 1-clause MIT) that CDR authors could use should they want to? I am cogitant of the fact that such a licence may not be appropriate for all CDRs, but for those for which it is, it would be nice to have a single default choise to cut down on possible future ambiguiety.
-- Nikodemus Schemer: "Buddha is small, clean, and serious." Lispnik: "Buddha is big, has hairy armpits, and laughs."