Generic Equality and Comparison for Common Lisp

Marco Antoniotti
Dipartimento di Informatica, Sistemistica e Comunicazione
Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca
Viale Sarca 336, U14, Milan (MI), Italy
mantoniotti at, marco.antoniotti at



This document presents new generic functions for Common Lisp that provide user hooks for extensible equality and comparison tests, as well as generic hashing. This is in addition to the standard equality and comparison predicates. The current proposal is minimal, in the sense that it just provides one conceptually simple set of hooks in what is considered a cross-language consensus.


Several Common Lisp functions rely on the :test keyword to pass a predicate to be used in their operations. This is a satisfactory solution in most cases, yet, while writing algorithms and libraries it would be useful to have "hooks" in the type and class system allowing for the definition of extensible equality and comparison tests.

This proposal contains a minimal set of (generic) functions that can be recognized in several language specifications, e.g., Java.

The specification is centered on two concepts: that of an equality test and that of a comparison generic operator. The comparison operator returns different values depending on whether the its execution determines the ordering relationship (or lack thereof) of two objects.

In addition to these two basic concepts, the specification provides notion of generic hash function too. Of course, there are several "caveats" to be taken into consideration in the interplay between equality and hashing.


The the proposal describes the equality and comparison operators. The equality operator is called EQUALS and some synonyms are also defined. The comparison operators is called COMPARE. The utility functions LT, GT, LTE, and GTE are also defined. Some synonyms are also defined. The hashing operator is called HASH-CODE.

The comparison operator returns one of four values: the symbols <, >, =, or /=. The intent of such definition is to make it usable in conjunction with case, ccase, and ecase; also, its intent is to make it possible to capture partial orders among objects in a set.

Equality and Comparison Dictionary

Standard Generic Function EQUALS


EQUALS a b &rest keys &key recursive-p &allow-other-keysresult

Note: Maybe it would make sense to supply a \:key parameter (defaulting to identity) as well.

Known Method Signatures:

EQUALS (a T) (b T) &rest keys &key recursive-p &allow-other-keys
EQUALS (a number) (b number) &rest keys &key recursive-p &allow-other-keys
EQUALS (a cons) (b cons) &rest keys &key recursive-p &allow-other-keys
EQUALS (a character) (b character) &rest keys &key recursive-p case-sensitive-p &allow-other-keys
EQUALS (a string) (b string) &rest keys &key recursive-p case-sensitive-p &allow-other-keys
EQUALS (a array) (b array) &rest keys &key recursive-p &allow-other-keys
EQUALS (a hash-table) (b hash-table) &rest keys &key recursive-p (by-key t) (by-value t) (check-properties t) &allow-other-keys

Arguments and Values:

a b -- Common Lisp objects.
recursive-p -- a generalized boolean; default is NIL.
result -- a boolean.
keys -- a list (as per the usual behavior).
by-key -- a generalized boolean; default is T.
by-values -- a generalized boolean; default is T.
check-properties -- a generalized boolean; default is NIL.
case-sensitive-p -- a generalized boolean; default is T.


The EQUALS generic functions defines methods to test for "equality" of two objects a and b. When two objects a and b are EQUALS under an appropriate and context-dependent notion of "equality", then the function returns T as result; otherwise EQUALS returns NIL as result.

If the optional argument recursive-p is T, then EQUALS may recurse down the "structure" of a and b. The description of each known method contains the relevant information about its recursive-p dependent behavior.

EQUALS provides some default behavior, but it is intended mostly as a hook for users. As such, it is allowed to add keyword arguments to user-defined EQUALS methods, as the &key and &allow-other-keys lambda-list markers imply.

Known Method Descriptions:

The following are the descriptions of EQUALS known methods; unless explicitely mentioned recursive-p and keys are to be considered as ignoreed.

EQUALS (a T) (a T) &rest keys &key recursive-p &allow-other-keys

The default behavior for two objects a and b of type/class T is to fall back on the function equalp.

EQUALS (a number) (a number) &rest keys &key recursive-p &allow-other-keys

The default behavior for two objects a and b of type/class number is to bypass equalp and to fall back directly on the function =
Note: it may be worthwhile to add a :epsilon keyword describing the tolerance of the equality test and other keys describing the "nearing" direction (Subnote: must check the correct numerics terminology.)

EQUALS (a cons) (a cons) &rest keys &key recursive-p &allow-other-keys

The default behavior for two objects a and b of type/class cons is to call the function tree-equal with EQUALS as \:test.

EQUALS (a character) (a character) &rest keys &key recursive-p (case-sensitive-p T) &allow-other-keys

The behavior for two character objects depends on the value of the keyword parameter recursive-p case-sensitive-p: if non-NIL (the default) then the test uses char=, otherwise char-equal.

EQUALS (a string) (a string) &rest keys &key recursive-p (case-sensitive-p T) &allow-other-keys

The behavior for two string objects depends on the value of the keyword parameter case-sensitive-p: if non-NIL (the default) then the test uses string=, otherwise string-equal.

EQUALS (a array) (a array) &rest keys &key recursive-p &allow-other-keys

The default behavior for two objects a and b of type/class array is to call EQUALS element-wise, as per equalp. The recursive-p argument is passed unmodified in each element-wise call to EQUALS.

Example: the following may be an implementation of EQUALS on arrays (modulo "active elements", fill-pointers and other details).

(defmethod EQUALS ((a array) (b array)
                   &rest keys
                   &key recursive-p &allow-other-keys)
   (when (equal (array-dimensions a)
                (array-dimensions b))
       (loop for i from 0 below (array-total-size a)
             always (apply #'EQUALS
                           (row-major-aref a i)
                           (row-major-aref b i)
EQUALS (a structure-object) (a structure-object) &rest keys &key recursive-p &allow-other-keys

The EQUALS default behaviour for two structure-objects is to fall back on equalp

Note: an alternative choice would be to fall back on eq.

In this case a Java (or C++) programmer may find the connection more immediate, as this would make the behavior of EQUALS similar to the default java.lang.Object equals method.

Another reason to fall back on eq would be to make the behavior between the treatment of structure-objects and standard-objects uniform.

EQUALS (a standard-object) (a standard-object) &rest keys &key recursive-p &allow-other-keys

The EQUALS default behaviour for two standard-objects is to fall back on eq.

EQUALS (a hash-table) (a hash-table) &rest keys &key recursive-p (by-key t) (by-value t) (check-properties t) &allow-other-keys

The EQUALS default behaviour for two hash-table object is the following. If a and b are eq, the result is T. Otherwise, first it is checked that the two hash-tables have the same number of entries, then three tests are performed "in parallel".

  1. if by-key is non-NIL then the keys of the a and b are compared with EQUALS (with recursive-p passed as-is). The semantics of this test are as if the following code were executed
    (loop for k1 in (ht-keys a)
          for k2 in (ht-keys b)
          always (apply 'EQUALS k1 k2 keys))
    If by-key is NIL, the subtest is true.
  2. if by-value is non-NIL then the values of the a and b are compared with EQUALS (with recursive-p passed as-is). The semantics of this test are as if the following code were executed
    (loop for v1 in (ht-values a)
          for v2 in (ht-values b)
          always (apply 'EQUALS k1 k2 keys))
    If by-value is NIL, the subtest is true.
  3. if check-properties is non-NIL then all the standard hash-table properties are checked for equality using eql, =, or null as needed. Implementation-dependent properties are checked accordingly. If check-properties is NIL, the subtest is true.
result is computed as the conjunction of the previous subtests.

Synonyms: the name EQUALS was chosen "vox populi". The Latin name would be AEQUALIS, which is Latin for "equal"; of course, this may not be the best name for a Common Lisp function. Some other synonims may be the symbol == or EQUIV. In general, synonyms should be defined by setting their fdefinition to (symbol-function 'equals).


cl-prompt> (equals 42 42)

cl-prompt> (equals 42 'a)

cl-prompt> (equals "abc" "abc")

cl-prompt> (equals (make-hash-table) (make-hash-table))

cl-prompt> (equals "FOO" "Foo")

cl-prompt> (equals "FOO" "Foo" :case-sensitive-p nil)

cl-prompt> (defstruct foo a s d)

cl-prompt> (equals (make-foo :a 42 :d "a string")
                   (make-foo :a 42 :d "a string"))
NIL ; If falling back on EQUALP.  T if falling back on EQ.

cl-prompt> (equals (make-foo :a 42 :d "a bar")
                   (make-foo :a 42 :d "a baz"))

cl-prompt> (defmethod equals ((a foo) (b foo)
                                 &key (recursive-p t)
               (declare (ignore recursive-p))
               (or (eq a b)
                   (= (foo-a a) (foo-a b))))

cl-prompt> (equals (make-foo :a 42 :d "a bar")
                   (make-foo :a 42 :d "a baz"))

Side Effects:


Affected By:


Exceptional Situations:


Standard Generic Function COMPARE


COMPARE a b &rest keys &key recursive-p &allow-other-keysresult

Known Method Signatures:

COMPARE (a T) (a T) &rest keys &key recursive-p &allow-other-keys
COMPARE (a number) (a number) &rest keys &key recursive-p &allow-other-keys
COMPARE (a character) (a character) &rest keys &key recursive-p (case-sensitive-p NIL) &allow-other-keys
COMPARE (a string) (a string) &rest keys &key recursive-p (case-sensitive-p NIL) &allow-other-keys
COMPARE (a symbol) (a symbol) &rest keys &key recursive-p &allow-other-keys

Arguments and Values:

a b -- Common Lisp objects.
recursive-p -- a generalized boolean; default is NIL.
result -- a symbol of type (member < > = /=).
keys -- a list (as per the usual behavior).
case-sensitive-p -- a generalized boolean; default is T.


The generic function COMPARE defines methods to test the ordering of two objects a and b, if such order exists. The result value returned by COMPARE is one of the four symbols: \texttt{<}, \texttt{>}, \texttt{=}, or \texttt{/=}. The COMPARE function returns /= as result by default; thus it can represent partial orders among objects. The equality tests should be coherent with what the generic function EQUALS does.

If the optional argument recursive-p is T, then COMPARE may recurse down the "structure" of a and b. The description of each known method contains the relevant information about its recursive-p dependent behavior.

Known Methods Descriptions:

COMPARE (a T) (a T) &rest keys &key recursive-p &allow-other-keys

The default behavior for COMPARE when applied to two objects a and b of "generic" type/class is to return the symbol /= as result. The intended meaning is to signal the fact that no ordering relation is known among them.

COMPARE (a number) (a number) &rest keys &key recursive-p &allow-other-keys

The default behavior for two objects a and b of type/class number is to compute result according to the standard predicates <, >, and =.

COMPARE (a character) (a character) &rest keys &key recursive-p (case-sensitive-p NIL) &allow-other-keys

The behavior for two string objects depends on the value of the keyword parameter case-sensitive-p: if non-NIL (the default) then the test uses string<, string>, and string= to compute result; otherwise it uses string-lessp, string-greaterp, and string-equal.

COMPARE (a string) (a string) &rest keys &key recursive-p (case-sensitive-p NIL) &allow-other-keys

The behavior for two string objects depends on the value of the keyword parameter case-sensitive-p: if non-NIL (the default) then the test uses string, string>, and string= to compute result; otherwise it uses string-lessp, string-greaterp, and string-equal.

COMPARE (a symbol) (a symbol) &rest keys &key recursive-p &allow-other-keys

When called with two symbols, the method returns = if a and b are eq, otherwise it returns /=.


cl-prompt> (compare 42 0)

cl-prompt> (compare 42 1024)

cl-prompt> (compare pi pi)

cl-prompt> (compare pi 3.0s0)

cl-prompt> (compare 'this-symbol 'this-symbol)

cl-prompt> (compare 'this-symbol 'that-symbol)

cl-prompt> (compare '(q w e r t y) '(q w e r t y))

cl-prompt> (compare #(q w e r t y) #(q w e r t y 42))

cl-prompt> (compare "asd" "asd")

cl-prompt> (compare "asd" "ASD")

cl-prompt> (compare "asd" "ASD" t :case-sensitive-p nil)

cl-prompt> (defstruct foo a s d)

cl-prompt> (compare (make-foo :a 42) (make-foo :a 42))

cl-prompt> (defmethod compare ((a foo) (b foo)
                           &rest keys
                           &key recursive-p &allow-other-keys)
              (let ((d-r (apply #'compare (foo-d a) (foo-d b) keys))
                    (a-r (apply #'compare (foo-a a) (foo-a b) keys))
                 (if (eq d-r a-r) d-r '/=)))

cl-prompt> (compare (make-foo :a 0 :d "I am a FOO")
                    (make-foo :a 42 :d "I am a foo"))

cl-prompt> (compare (make-foo :a 0 :d "I am a FOO")
		    (make-foo :a 42 :d "I am a foo")
		    :case-sensitive-p nil)

cl-prompt> (compare (make-array 3 :initial-element 0)
                    (vector 1 2 42))

Functions LT, LTE, GT, and GTE


LT a b &rest keys &key recursive-p &allow-other-keysresult
LTE a b &rest keys &key recursive-p &allow-other-keysresult
GT a b &rest keys &key recursive-p &allow-other-keysresult
GTE a b &rest keys &key recursive-p &allow-other-keysresult

Synonyms: the full-name synonyms lessp, not-greaterp, greaterp, and not-lessp are provided s well. Their implementation should be based on setting the relevant fdefinition.


The functions LT, LTE, GT, and GTE are shorthands for calls to COMPARE. Each one calls COMPARE as

  (apply #'compare a b keys)
The appropriate result is returned when COMPARE, on its turn, returns <, >, or =. If compare returns /=, then no ordering relation can be established, and the functions LT, LTE, GT, and GTE signal an error.
Note: decide which error.

If the keyword argument recursive-p is T, then EQUALS may recurse down the "structure" of a and b. The description of each known method contains the relevant information about its recursive-p dependent behavior.


cl-prompt> (lt 42 0)

cl-prompt> (lt 42 1024)

cl-prompt> (gte pi pi)

cl-prompt> (greaterp pi 3.0s0)

cl-prompt> (lt "asd" "asd")

cl-prompt> (lte "asd" "ASD")

cl-prompt> (lte "asd" "ASD" :case-sensitive-p nil)

cl-prompt> (defstruct foo a s d)

cl-prompt> (defmethod compare ((a foo) (b foo)
                           &rest keys
                           &key recursive-p &allow-other-keys)
              (let ((d-r (apply #'compare (foo-d a) (foo-d b) keys))
                    (a-r (apply #'compare (foo-a a) (foo-a b) keys))
                 (if (eq d-r a-r) d-r '/=)))

cl-prompt> (lte (make-foo :a 0 :d "I am a FOO")
                (make-foo :a 42 :d "I am a foo"))

Error: Uncomparable objects
       #S(FOO :a 0 :s NIL :d "I am a FOO") and
       #S(FOO :a 0 :s NIL :d "I am a foo")

cl-prompt> (lte (make-foo :a 0 :d "I am a FOO")
                (make-foo :a 42 :d "I am a foo")
                :case-sensitive-p nil) 

cl-prompt> (lte (make-array 3 :initial-element 0)
                (vector 1 2 42)) 

Error: Uncomparable objects #(0 0 0) and #(1 2 42).

Side Effects:


Affected By:


Exceptional Situations:

An "error" is signalled when called on a pair of objects for which no predicate is defined (which is like what happens for undefined methods).

Standard Generic Function HASH-CODE


HASH-CODE aresult

Known Method Signatures:


Arguments and Values:

a -- a Common Lisp object.
result -- a positive fixnum in the range (mod array-total-size-limit).


The HASH-CODE generic function is provided as a companion to EQUALS for the benefit of those Common Lisp implementations that provide a handle on the inner working of hash tables (usually in the form of an extra :sxhash or :hash-function keyword argument to make-hash-table), or for bottom-up hash table implementations.

HASH-CODE is modeled after the Java hashCode() method of java.lang.Object. The same description applies almost unchanged.

The general contract of HASH-CODE is the following.

Known Method Descriptions:

The only method defined for HASH-CODE is the default one, which simply resolves to a call to sxhash. An implementation of the method can be:
(defmethod HASH-CODE ((a T)) (sxhash a))




The implementation of HASH-CODE should coordinate with that of EQUALS. In particular, Section 18.1.2 ``Modifying Hash Table Keys'' of [ANSIHyperSpec] and the definiton of sxhash in the same document should be taken into consideration.

Side Effects:


Affected By:

The actual implementation of the EQUALS methods.

Exceptional Situations:



[KMP97] K. M. Pitman, The Best of Intentions: EQUAL Rights -- and Wrongs -- in Lisp
published online at, 1997.
[ANSISpec] The Common Lisp Hyperspec,
published online at, 1994.


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