Update of /project/cells/cvsroot/cells In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv1504
Added Files: trc-eko.lisp Log Message: Move trc utils into Cells project.
--- /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/trc-eko.lisp 2006/08/22 14:59:37 NONE +++ /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/trc-eko.lisp 2006/08/22 14:59:37 1.1 ;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: cells; -*- #|
The Newly Cells-aware TRC trace and EKO value echo facilities
Copyright (C) 1995, 2006 by Kenneth Tilton
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), known as the LLGPL.
This library is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License for more details.
(in-package :cells)
;----------- trc -------------------------------------------
(defparameter *trcdepth* 0)
(export! trc wtrc eko)
(defun trcdepth-reset () (setf *trcdepth* 0))
(defmacro trc (tgt-form &rest os) (if (eql tgt-form 'nil) '(progn) (if (stringp tgt-form) `(without-c-dependency (call-trc t ,tgt-form ,@os)) (let ((tgt (gensym))) `(without-c-dependency (bif (,tgt ,tgt-form) (if (trcp ,tgt) (progn (assert (stringp ,(car os))) (call-trc t ,@os)) ;;,(car os) ,tgt ,@(cdr os))) (progn ;; (break "trcfailed") (count-it :trcfailed))) (count-it :tgtnileval)))))))
(defun call-trc (stream s &rest os) (if #+cormanlisp nil #-cormanlisp (and (boundp '*trcdepth*) *trcdepth*) (format stream "~&~v,,,'.<~d~>> " (mod *trcdepth* 100) *trcdepth*) (format stream "~&"))
(format stream "~a" s) (let (pkwp) (dolist (o os) (format stream (if pkwp " ~(~s~)" " __ ~(~s~)") o) (setf pkwp (keywordp o)))) (force-output stream) (values))
(defun call-trc-to-string (fmt$ &rest fmt-args) (let ((o$ (make-array '(0) :element-type 'base-char :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t))) (with-output-to-string (os-stream o$) (apply 'call-trc os-stream fmt$ fmt-args)) o$))
#+findtrcevalnils (defmethod trcp :around (other) (unless (call-next-method other)(break)))
(defmethod trcp (other) (eq other t))
(defmethod trcp (($ string)) t)
(defun trcdepth-incf () (incf *trcdepth*))
(defun trcdepth-decf () (format t "decrementing trc depth ~d" *trcdepth*) (decf *trcdepth*))
(export! wtrc eko-if)
(defmacro wtrc ((&optional (min 1) (max 50) &rest banner) &body body ) `(let ((*trcdepth* (if *trcdepth* (1+ *trcdepth*) 0))) ,(when banner `(when (>= *trcdepth* ,min) (if (< *trcdepth* ,max) (trc ,@banner) (progn (break "excess trace notttt!!! ~d" *trcdepth*) ;; ,@banner) nil)))) (when (< *trcdepth* ,max) ,@body)))
(defmacro wnotrc ((&optional (min 1) (max 50) &rest banner) &body body ) (declare (ignore min max banner)) `(progn ,@body))
;------ eko --------------------------------------
(defmacro eko ((&rest trcargs) &rest body) (let ((result (gensym))) `(let ((,result ,@body)) (trc ,(car trcargs) :=> ,result ,@(cdr trcargs)) ,result)))
(defmacro eko-if ((&rest trcargs) &rest body) (let ((result (gensym))) `(let ((,result ,@body)) (when ,result (trc ,(car trcargs) :res ,result ,@(cdr trcargs))) ,result)))
(defmacro ek (label &rest body) (let ((result (gensym))) `(let ((,result (,@body))) (when ,label (trc ,label ,result)) ,result)))