On Sep 21, 2005, at 5:21 PM, Kenny Tilton wrote:
Chris Curtis wrote:
Hi all...
I'm just starting to take a look at cells and cello and am having some problems...
The first one is that loading :cells-test fails right after (CELLS::STARTING CELLS::TEST CELLS::MANY-USEDS) with "Array index 16 out of bounds for #*1111111111111111 .", the call in question being (ccl::%sbitset #*1111111111111111 16 1).
I will have to do some digging. FYI, that :cells-test stuff has not been maintained much, there is a test suite right in the Cells package. let me check up on all this and get back to you.
ps. Cello will be quite a challenge to build since it is still there for developers/porters/maintainers only. kt
Thanks for the quick response! I've been kind of wondering what the general status of both Cells & Cello are... they seem really quite interesting. --chris