Wow that was weird:) I used the google toolbar spellchecker right before sending, and it acted a bit odd, so I checked the sent copy and saw that it had left all the spellchecker formatting in the message! Here it is as plain text. There are still some extraneous spaces, but I don't think they'll make it hard to read, so... Thanks for getting back to me. I was beginning to wonder which of the 5 ways to interpret the silence :) I think it must be in the genes: ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warnock's_Dilemma) Anyway, here is what I've got: ( defmodel cargo-hold () (ship-owner capacity ;; a set of cargo-types (types :cell t : initarg :types : initform nil) ;; cargo-type -> quantity (quantities :cell t : initarg :quantities : initform (make-hash-table)))) ( defmodel cargo () ;; a type-id, name and the number of ;; cargo-hold units it takes up (1-3) (type name volume ;; the character-id of the owner of ;; the cargo-hold unless cargo is spaced (holder :cell t : initarg :holder : initform (c-in nil) : accessor holder) ( auth-list :cell t : initarg : auth-list : initform nil : accessor auth-list) (recipient :cell t : initarg :recipient : initform nil : accessor recipient) (stolen :cell t : initarg :stolen : initform (c? (when (member (^holder) (^ auth-list)) t)) : accessor stolen) (spaced :cell t : initarg :spaced : initform (c? (when holder t)) : accessor spaced) (delivered :cell t : initarg :delivered : initform (c? (when ( eql (^holder) (^recipient)) t)) : accessor delivered))) The first thing you'll probably notice is that there is no mechanism for the cargo-holds to actually "contain" cargo objects. I know I could do as the "summer" example of the cell-basics doc does, and push them onto a list, and recalculate based on the whole list every time it changes, but I was hoping for something more elegant and efficient. Only one entry in the quantities hash needs to change when an item is added for instance. I thought of having in and out slots (set the slot to a cargo object to add or remove; the other slots do their thing and then clear the in/out slot), but that seems ugly and I wasn't even sure how to pull it off. And then there is the whole thing with cargo-sets which is closer to what I'd like to do with Cells on the larger scale. Basically what I want is to have a large number of sets and their unions/intersections efficiently accessible anywhere in my code- stuff like "all characters of faction X in sector Y carrying at least one Z in their cargo hold. I hope this makes my level of understanding more clear. I think I'm probably more prepared for the paradigm shift than most, owing, no doubt, to my long infatuation with Ted Nelson's ZigZag. ~Michael Warnock Guild Software Inc.