Hmmm. So there's this function I "borrowed" from Kenny's code: (defun ht-monitor-page (path resource-class) (lambda (request) (trc "bingo request!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" request path resource-class) (start-session) (let ((root (or (bwhen (r (session-value 'root)) (trc "clearing updates on re-used root!!!!!!!" r) (setf (updates r) nil) r) (progn (trc "creating new web-app...") (mk-web-app (:prefix path :request (c-in request)) ;; was (c-in request) but we set that below so ??? (make-instance resource-class :fm-parent *parent*)))))) (trc "ROOT = " root) (setf (session-value 'root) root) (setf (request root) request) #+test-ht-monitor (break) ;; <<<<<<<-- See here ;; (assert (handler root)) ;; <<<<<<<-- AND HERE ! ALWAYS FAILS ! (trc "Handler is: " (describe (handler root))) (trc "******* Calling handler ") (handler root)))) My model is quite simple: (defmd ht-monitor (page) name ip-address term :title ":: HUNCHENTOOT MONITOR ::" :style "/css/ht-monitor.css" :name (c? (server-name *server*)) :ip-address (c? (server-address *server*)) :term (c-in "") :kids (c? (the-kids (mk-div () (mk-text (c? (conc$ "Name: " (name (u^ ht-monitor)))))) (mk-div () (mk-text (c? (conc$ "IP Address: " (ip-address (u^ ht- monitor)))))) (mk-div () (mk-form (:action :get) (mk-text "Input: ") (mk-input (:name "i" :id "i" :-type "text" :value (c?n (term (u^ ht-monitor))))) (mk-text (c? (conc$ "Reversed: " (reverse (term (u^ ht-monitor))))))))))) Handler is always NIL. The assertion always fails. I could not figure out why... Any ideas ??? Thx! Best, Frank