John, Sorry, it was late, I reacted too hastily. That error message looks wild, not sure what to make of it. Unfortunately, I have no Linux system. But the original developers of LTk use Linux and are looking at Celtk these days. I have not heard from them, but a query on the cells-devel mailing list might turn up someone using both Linux and Celtk. Otherwise, it might helpt to track down tk-format-now and tweak it so that the branch to display messages sent to Tk always fires, then see (a) if those messages look okay (post them to cells-devel) and (b) how far you get before Celtk dies. kt On 4/5/06, John Landahl <john@landahl.org> wrote:
Right at the top of ltktest-cells-inside.lisp you will find:
#+test-ltktest (progn (cells-reset 'tk-user-queue-handler) ; ...huge comment elided.... (tk-test-class 'ltktest-cells-inside))
Yep, saw that, and I suppose I expected that loading celtk would set test-ltktest. Removing the #+ and re-evaluating does startup the test.
However, the result is a bunch of errors and a big traceback. Here's what looks like the most useful chunk:
0> numparse | :=> 42read-data:UNKNOWNcolor name "systembuttonface"
read-data:INVALIDcommand name ".cv-scroller.test-canvas"
INVALIDCOMMANDNAME.cv-scroller.test-canvasUNKNOWNCOLORNAMEsystembuttonfaceBADWINDOWPATHNAME.cv-scroller.test-canvasINVALIDCOMMANDNAME.cv-scroller.test-canvas.bkg-popINVALIDCOMMANDNAME.cv-scroller.test-canvas.bkg-popINVALIDCOMMANDNAME.cv-scroller.test-canvas.bkg-popINVALIDCOMMANDNAME.cv-scroller.test-canvas.bkg-popCANREAD.cv-scroller.test-canvas.bkg-pop.bkg An error of type READER-ERROR has occured: READER-ERROR on #<TWO-WAY-STREAM :INPUT-STREAM #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "descriptor 14" {A755EC9}>
:OUTPUT-STREAM #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "descriptor 13" {A755541}>>: illegal terminating character after a colon: #\ 0: (SB-DEBUG:BACKTRACE 536870911 #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "a constant string" {AFCDB01}>) 1: (LTK::TRIVIAL-DEBUGGER #<READER-ERROR {AA34AF1}> #<unavailable argument>) 2: (INVOKE-DEBUGGER #<READER-ERROR {AA34AF1}>) 3: (ERROR READER-ERROR) 4: (SB-IMPL::%READER-ERROR #<TWO-WAY-STREAM :INPUT-STREAM #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "descriptor 14" {A755EC9}> :OUTPUT-STREAM #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "descriptor 13" {A755541}>> "illegal terminating character after a colon: ~S") 5: (SB-IMPL::READ-TOKEN #<TWO-WAY-STREAM :INPUT-STREAM #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "descriptor 14" {A755EC9}> :OUTPUT-STREAM #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "descriptor 13" {A755541}>> #\:) 6: (READ-PRESERVING-WHITESPACE #<TWO-WAY-STREAM :INPUT-STREAM #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "descriptor 14" {A755EC9}> :OUTPUT-STREAM #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "descriptor 13" {A755541}>> NIL NIL T) 7: (READ-PRESERVING-WHITESPACE #<TWO-WAY-STREAM :INPUT-STREAM #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "descriptor 14" {A755EC9}> :OUTPUT-STREAM #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "descriptor 13" {A755541}>> NIL NIL NIL) 8: (LTK::MAIN-ITERATION :BLOCKING T) 9: ((LAMBDA ())) 10: ((LABELS LTK::USE-DEBUGGER) #<FUNCTION LTK::TRIVIAL-DEBUGGER> #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA #) {AA3477D}>) 11: (LTK:MAINLOOP :SERVE-EVENT NIL)
I'm running SBCL 0.9.11 on Linux, if it matters. My Tk version is 8.4.
No, but do compare it to 'ltktest-cells-inside to get a feel for how Cells transforms development.
I definitely will. I'd very much like to do more declarative programming where it makes sense, and (as you and others have pointed out) UIs are a natural fit. So it will be good to compare your approach to the more usual (less intelligent) approach. -- John Landahl <john@landahl.org> http://landahl.org/john