Kenny Tilton writes:
Just to be clear, the "No CVS" rule relates to avoiding the bleeding edge, not anything to with CVS per se, yes? Or is it that the CVS stuff is not packaged as thoughtfully to build right out of the box?
Right -- depending on the project, the source in CVS can be almost guaranteed to be broken. That's just an issue with using the development branch.
I ask because it has occurred to me that CVS neatly solves the problem of my jumping around between win32 and Linux: if I pull source down onto my Linux box and hack it to make it work over there, then I just commit and do an update on my win32 box and make sure everything still works there. If not, another iteration and all should be OK, off to OS X to conquer another platform.
Sound right?
That's how it's supposed to work. You could have more useful comments to your commits (say, "changed use of cc-defstruct to defstruct"), but it's not strictly necessary :). That kind of thing can be useful when trying to figure out when something broke, though. -- /|_ .-----------------------. ,' .\ / | No to Imperialist war | ,--' _,' | Wage class war! | / / `-----------------------' ( -. | | ) | (`-. '--.) `. )----'