Frank Goenninger - PRION Consulting wrote:
before posting to cells-devel I wanted to ask if it's only in my cells 2.0 version that I have difficulties with something like:
(defpackage :net.goenninger.sw.core (:nicknames "NG.CORE") (:use :common-lisp :db.allegrocache :cells) (:export #:core))
(in-package :ng.core)
(defmodel mvc-base () ((model :cell :ephemeral :accessor model :initform nil) (view :cell :ephemeral :accessor view :initform nil) (controller :cell :ephemeral :accessor controller :initform nil)) (:metaclass persistent-class) ;; <<-- HERE !!! )
Without modifying the defmodel macro I get some undefined generic function error. With this modification
.... in the defclass part of defmodel ....
(:metaclass ,(or (cadr (find :metaclass options :key #'car)) ;; Need to take the cadr of the find result !!! 'standard-class)))
Your fix looks right, thanks. btw, I started to look at AllegroCache and especially (+ Cells acache) but got sidetracked. Acache also sounded a little raw and pre-alpha based on exchanges with Foderaro. Let me know if you need help. kt