15 Feb
15 Feb
8:53 p.m.
Hi Kenny: On Fri, 2004-02-13 at 15:02, Kenny Tilton wrote:
Frank Goenninger wrote:
(defmethod asdf:perform ((o load-op) (c (eql (find-system :cells)))) (pushnew :cells *features*))
Objective was to "tell" other packages/functionality that cells is loaded into the image/system.
Any comments?
Good idea. But is there any way to do that in the source, in case I switch to mk::defsystem? Would it work with a hard-coded line in cell.lisp?
Why not keep it "package management system dependent"? Doing it in the .asd file for ASDF and in the .system file for mk::defsystem ? This would keep the dependencies separated per file. Cheers, Frank