Hello, I pushed your patch to GitHub. I also tried running cells-gtk3 demo application on ECL, and it ran after I eliminated remains of UFFI dependency, since cffi-uffi-compat doesn't load. I pushed those fixes also (although I'm not sure if ALLOC-COL-TYPE-BUFFER shouldn't be just deleted, since it seems to be either exported or used), and changed (/ 3 0) in test application, since ECL just refused to compile it. The only problem left is that cl-glut sometimes throws a package error (something with exporting SPECIAL), but it works on RETRY. Regards, Jakub Higersberger 2010/1/29 Michael Raskin <f9cef2aa@yandex.ru>:
Hello. I have some interest in simplifying installation of Cells-GTK on as wide range of platforms as possible (from the "expansive" point-of-view: I have a perfectly fine installation of Cells-GTK on SBCL on Linux on my notebook). The attached patch enables ECL support in Ramarren cells fork. It actually does nothing except noting that ECL uses :clos package for MOP. I hope it will be included in master branch somewhen soon.. (cells::test-cells) gives no Cells errors (dribble errors do not count, right?).
Thanks Michael Raskin