I am now able to get correct behavior when starting from the repl or by evaluating (run-window 'my-test) in an editor, but only changing this parameter to a lower amt: *event-loop-delay*. The value in CVS is 0.08. I tried 0.02 and got the keystrokes OK, did not experiment further. The problem is that the ACL IDE is then locked out while a Celtk window is open.
Since entry fields work for me using Run Project in ACL with the *event-loop-delay* parameter at 0.08, I think I will leave it that way since that is how I test anyway.
Let me know if a lower value for *event-loop-delay* works for you.
Reducing *event-loop-delay* is the solution. Already 0.075 let all key strokes show up in the entry field (at 100% CPU usage by acl). It works for me! Frank _______________________________________________________________________ Viren-Scan für Ihren PC! Jetzt für jeden. Sofort, online und kostenlos. Gleich testen! http://www.pc-sicherheit.web.de/freescan/?mc=022222