Larry Clapp wrote:
On Sat, May 10, 2008 at 05:29:20PM -0400, Ken Tilton wrote:
Larry Clapp wrote:
Cells cvs does not compile out of the box on Lispworks for Linux 5.1. Is it supposed to?
Problems include the lack of the excl and ide.base packages.
(push :iamnotkenny *features*)
Yes, that did it. Silly me. Thanks.
haha, well the silliness is obviously on my side, but that came up when I was trying to focus on my own work and not so much open source and things were quiet anyway, one or two users. I decided a compromise would be to still share improvements to Cells but leave other folks a little work. Now with Cells-Gtk ported to the latest version of Cells and OpenAIR potentially bringing in a lot more users I better clean that up. cheers, kt