It is time to tidy up the cells/cello/cvs mess I have created. Currently the cvs repository contains the real working code in ~/cells/cell-cultures/xxxx where xxxx is cells, cl-opengl, cl-ftgl, cello, etc I am getting tired of cell-cultures, the name as well as the extra directory level. I am thinking that the path should just be: ~/cells/xxxx Nice and simple. The only oddity is ~/cells/cells, but I am not sure that is sillier than ~/cells/cell-cultures/cells. If no one talks me out of it, that is what I plan to do. Now for the shocking development: Vasilis Margioulas just emailed me cells-gtk! I have run it on windows XP without a problem, and he says it has been tested on Linux. I am have just built gtk2 on my Mac OS X and will give it a go over here some time today. The neat thing is that I had no idea he was working on this. Anyway, this too might end up under the Cells project, so I /really/ want to get the cvs tree sorted out before pulling in cells-gtk. btw, cello/os-x is coming along swimmingly. Until recently I had not bothered to learn how to get Apple's Glut to work as nicely as Freeglut in re allowing iterative development, but it turns out it was only a few minutes work. If the full blown Cello demos put up a fight I will likely polish up the subsidiary components, re-port to win32, clean up the config mess, clean up the cvs mess, and add cells-gtk before going further. I want to make cells-gtk available ASAP, and make it easier for others to follow/assist with the OS X port. kenny