Hi Kenny & all Cells/Cello fellows: On Fri, 2004-10-15 at 05:58, Kenny Tilton wrote:
Just updated CVS with a long-needed refactoring of the key layout class hierarchy under IX-INLINE.
Also added a new shape to the fancy Cello demo, the simple nurbs shape in the OpenGL Red Book. It turned out to be quite a poser because of my use of display lists. Kind of a gap in the OpenGL doc, but I got lucky and figured out what was going on. Turns out it is a frequent gotcha.
Anyway, my once silent laptop now never shuts up, so it may be time to get a four-fan Mac desktop and start working there. I cannot tolerate Windows XP much longer anyway, as little as I interact with it. Gotta use my developer discount by November, too. And since I am starting on an educational software project, OS X compatibility is a little more urgent than would otherwise be the case.
So whoop-dee-doo, Cello heads for OS X!
Well, meanwhile I am a proud owner of a Powerbook with Mac OS X 10.3 Panther installed... I am now free to choose my computing environment as I quit my job at Deloitte Consulting to open up my own company: PRION Consulting Services AG: PLM and IT Management Consulting (Ok, enough marketing blah-blah) Obvious thing to do is expand my knowledge concerning Common Lisp to the OS X platform under OpenMCL. I already began configuring ASDF et al to have the foundation ready for my next adventure: Cello! I downloaded the Cells package via ASDF-INSTALL but just got the Cells package only, with no Cello in it (and it also seems somewhat outdated). Do I have to go to CVS checking it out manually or do you plan to make a recent release of Cells including Cello available for ASDF-INSTALL ? Thx for info. Happy hacking!
Cheers Kenny, Frank