On 5/23/06, Thomas F. Burdick <tfb@ocf.berkeley.edu> wrote:
On 5/23/06, Stu Glaser <stuglaser@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,
I'm trying to get Celtk working on SBCL. I've attached a patch with several bugfixes.
I'm not a Celtk user, but I am the Cells-on-SBCL guy, so I'm definately paying attention here. Could you please send patches in unified diff format? It's about 1000x easier to read (you can get diff to produce it with the -u option).
I look forward to that, but I had no problem working from the diff. I take your word for it, tho.
Much still does not work, however, I have managed to
display the "one-button-window" demo (though it crashes immediately after display.
Sometime later I will have questions. Celtk still crashes often in finish-business, and I'm not yet familiar enough with cells to perform the fixes.
If Kenny or Frank doesn't get to this before I do, I can look into it in a couple weeks. If you guys haven't sorted it out with Celtk issues, it might be Cells related...
OK, we'll keep an open mind. But as I said, /everything/ happens in finish-business it seems. Especially with Tk, which is pretty fussy about the order in which things happen. (And I just got bit by a timer going off as a window was being shut down. Oops. new :client task type on the way (up to twenty, I think))
Lastly, anonymous CVS access would be great. It would certainly help
for creating patches and for keeping my sources updated.
All of Cells uses the common-lisp.net infrastructure, and they turned off anonymous pserver access due to the constant security nightmare it implies. Sorry. I'd be happy with a move to svn, which would also mean reliable anonymous access, but I'm not sure if there's a reasonable client for Windows. There's a good OS X one, though, so I wouldn't be surprised if there was.
I have TortoiseSVN now as well as TortoiseCVS. I hear svn is better. I am down with a switch. kenny