Frank Goenninger wrote:
No. Control Panel is currently just the model. No View yet.
OK. Well, I guess there is no problem having non-GUI model (vs view, that is) instance as kids of the Window. If they are not subclasses of TK widgets, they will just sit there but still be in the fm-find*-able namespace, which is probably a good thing. Note tho that you could just stick them someplace else and still use the fm-find* routines by providing that someplace else as an argument to the fm-find stuff.
This is a View with an integrated model. No really pure OO just a quick hack.
I see I should do a widget hierarchy that looks like
window | +--- frame (= darc-setup-panel-frame) | | | |--- row | |--- ... | ----- frame (= control-panel-frame) | |---- row |--- .... Here the yet not coded control panel widgets should go in.
OK, just remember to specify the :packing argument (or get fancy and try grid or place, but I do not think I have any support yet for place) for the toplevel frames. kt