On 5/23/06, Frank Goenninger <frgo@mac.com> wrote:
Hi all:

Am 23.05.2006 um 21:06 schrieb Ken Tilton:

> 2. find the function tk-format-now and monkey with the debug stuff
> so that any message to Tk with the word "bitmap" in it gets
> printed, and see if you can catch the output and post that.
> I get:
> tk> .f332.cv334 create bitmap  140 140  -bitmap "@\\0dev\\Celtk\
> \x1.xbm"
> That works. Then changing the name to something it will not find, I
> get:
>      Error: Tcl error: error reading bitmap file "\0dev\Celtk
> \xoxox1.xbm"

This has to be adapted to Linux-style path names:


Thanks. Pardon my OS-centrism. Like this?:

   (mk-bitmap :coords (list 140 140)
                :bitmap (conc$ "@" (namestring (make-pathname
                                                :directory '(:absolute "0dev" "Celtk")
                                                :name "x1"
                                                :type "xbm"))))
