Lost some quotations. More explitly I was asked:
I hope you don't mind I ask how or what is the best way to persist cells in general.
I responded: There is nothing genersl, because the process involves understanding Cells [too mush to tell] and ones persistent library and then writing several hundred lines of cleverness to make them work together with very specific leverage of the mechanisms offered by the persistence library. I was asked:
I believe for most people who use cells would also want them to persist them somehow.
I responded: I loved it when I did it. Did you see my triple-cells hack? You [could start with that, thn] build the FFI to get to Redland RDF and use that for persistence. I like RDF better anyway as a data model, perisstent or not. I was asked:
And Allegrocache seems to be complicated to be used with cells in this case.
I respondend: Yes, it would be pretty tricky for anyone not versed in Cells, and even then a solid amount of work. There is no magic hint to give you, it is just a question of glue: how does one make two mechanisms work together? kt