Frank Goenninger wrote:
Hi all:
Another Celtk challenge for me:
The slot CTK::PACKING is missing from the object SENDREQUEST-PUBLISH-RB-GROUP of class #<STANDARD-CLASS CTK::MENU-RADIO-GROUP> during operation SLOT-VALUE [Condition of type PROGRAM-ERROR]
is resulting from this piece of code:
(mk-row () (mk-stack () (mk-menu-radio-group
Oops. If you look at all the examples of menu-radio-group and/or meditate on the prefix "menu-", you will see that that bad boy belongs only in menus (where packing does not apply). Were you just trying to make an always-visible radio group? Was there an example in lotsa-widgets? A quick scan of the hierarchy suggests you just want a subclass of frame-selector, either frame-stack or frame-row. Either one will give radio buttons a parent selector that will effectively manage them. If I am lucky. :) If not I'll dig deeper. ken