... Output of the short demo below: (m-test) M1: New value for slot a => 1. M1: New value for slot b => 1. M2: New value for slot c => 1. STEP 1 M1: New value for slot a => 2. M2: New value for slot c => 2. STEP 2 M1: New value for slot b => 3. M2: New value for slot c => 6. ... cute, ha ? ;-))) Frank Am 17.04.2012 um 23:08 schrieb Frank Goenninger:
Hi Mirko,
Am 17.04.2012 um 20:17 schrieb Mirko Vukovic:
I am doing very basic cell-stuff, much like the ones in the doc folder: Not liking excel and its cousins, I am implementing spread-sheet like calculations in cells.
My question:
1) Can I build two models (model1, model2) and specify that a slot in model2 depends on changes in some other slot in model1?
(in-package #:cells)
;;; ------------------ ;;; *** Model M1 *** ;;; ------------------
(defmd m1 () a b :a (c-in 1) :b (c-in 1))
(defobserver a ((self m1)) (when new-value (format *debug-io* "~%~S: New value for slot a => ~S." self (a self))))
(defobserver b ((self m1)) (when new-value (format *debug-io* "~%~S: New value for slot b => ~S." self (b self))))
(defmacro mk-m1 (id) `(make-instance 'm1 :fm-parent *parent* :md-name ,id))
;;; ------------------ ;;; *** Model M2 *** ;;; ------------------
(defmd m2 () (c (c? (let ((m1 (fm^ :m1))) ;; -> fm^ searches for :m1 in the current family (* (a m1) (b m1))))))
(defmacro mk-m2 (id) `(make-instance 'm2 :fm-parent *parent* :md-name ,id))
(defobserver c ((self m2)) (when new-value (format *debug-io* "~%~S: New value for slot c => ~S." self (c self))))
;;; ------------------ ;;; *** Family M *** ;;; ------------------
(defmd m (family) (kids (c? (the-kids (mk-m1 :m1) (mk-m2 :m2)))) ;; :m1 and :m2 are kids of :m's family. :md-name :m)
;;; ----------------- ;;; *** TESTING *** ;;; -----------------
(defun m-test ()
(let* ((self (make-instance 'm)) (m1 (fm-find-kid self :m1)))
;; Step 1 (format *debug-io* "~%~%STEP 1~&") (setf (a m1) 2) ;; => C = 2 ;; See observer for C !
;; Step 2 (format *debug-io* "~%~%STEP 2 ~&") (setf (b m1) 3)) ;; => C = 6 ;; See observer for C !
2) Related: can I change a slot specification in a model. For example from `c-in' to `c?'. I assume that I can, but I would have to re-initialize the model somehow. Correct?
This one I'd like to leave for Kenny to answer ... Never did that during one run - I always reset cells via #'cells-reset and the started over when I needed to do that.
I am also very interested in the question posted just a few minutes ago. I would like to build an automated way of generating a GUI front end my cell models.
I tried to answer this in the other mail.
Hope that helps.
Cheers Frank