On Mon, 10 Nov 2003 00:29:25 -0500, Kenny Tilton ktilton@nyc.rr.com wrote:
Something that looks like a reference? Or a series of tutorials? Other?
I'd very much prefer a simple tutorial ("do this, then do that, then...") followed by a complete reference manual which explains every exported symbol (macro, function, ...) in detail.
I usually shy away from packages without good reference docs ("look at the source, buddy") because they look like the author hasn't settled on a consistent API yet. If everything is written down, you - as a user - have a chance to decide what is expected behaviour and what is a bug (and what is missing). And the author forces himself to stay more or less on track, or at least alert the users of significant changes.
I'm trying to do these with my own published stuff at least.
Cheers, Edi.