On 6/7/07, Ken Tilton <kennytilton@optonline.net> wrote:
Sorry if this has been covered, but: Togl does not come with Tc/Tk (or did not when I installed). Go here if this might be your problem:
Pretty amazing install/build instructions, IIRC.
The acid test on many questions you might have is: Can you do it from wish? ie, run wish.exe and try XXXX manually or by using a Tcl script provided by the folks offering XXXX. When /that/ works you can focus debugging on Celtk. (I am not discouraging questions, just sharing with you my own attack sequence on some problems; it is really nice being able to hop over to wish to do a sanity check before staring longer at a Celtk problem).
Yes once I'd downloaded all the pre-requisites, togl installed fine and at least some of their demos work (my display doesn't support the overlay script and index/stereo cause X errors). ....and now I've got some of the celtk demos running too! The gears one came first (thankyou Peter), closely followed by the ltktest-ci. I had to remove references to SystemButtonFace, because my tk didn't recognize that symbol. I just changed changed them to "white" which seems to work ok. Now I just have to learn cells :-) --Andy