2. find the function tk-format-now and monkey with the debug stuff so that any message to Tk with the word "bitmap" in it gets printed, and see if you can catch the output and post that.
I get: tk> .f332.cv334 create bitmap 140 140 -bitmap "@\\0dev\\Celtk\\x1.xbm" That works. Then changing the name to something it will not find, I get: Error: Tcl error: error reading bitmap file "\0dev\Celtk\xoxox1.xbm" Here is my theory: the string does not look like a filename path to Tcl on Linux, so it looks for a /named/ bitmap. ie, yeah, tcl has a mechanism (perhaps only in the C api, I do not know) to associate an arbitrary name with a bitmap being loaded from a file. Then all your code just uses that name, and you only have to change the filename in one place to get everyone to use a different bitmap. Anyway, that would explain the "not defined" complaint. It also makes sense since you are (I might have warned you earlier) the first Linux user. The bad news is that I am also ignorant of Linux. :) hth, kenny