On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 4:04 AM, Kenny Tilton <kennytilton@optonline.net> wrote:
Go with model, the family class and lots of other good stuff assumes that. You might be able to leverage some of that code.
OK, that is the second explanation: with Cells we really have to build an abstraction that hides the callbacks, so in my GUI work the first three days are spent hiding the callbacks so I forget they are there. :)
I ended up writing some wrappers around CAPI already to simplify some setf-ery, so this is not a biggie. This way setf-every was not too bad, but when I extrapolated the work that needs to be done, the vision was callback hell.
If you look at Celtk or Cells-Gtk you'll see how I feed information from callbacks into the cells web so I can forget they are there. (Cello is just a wrapper for celtk.)
I'll look into them more deeply.
Not an important feature <g>, just an amazing manifestation of the power of the paradigm: a behavior like that /by accident/!
Sounds very cool. So far the biggest mind-fuck with my limited experience of cells is how it completely turns programming on its' head. Almost everything turns into dataflow, which seems to at least temporarily increase the number of cells. The thought process is interesting. For example, I denote the selection of preview by flipping background and foreground colors. The parent container knows the selected child. In setf-ery, the (setf selected) method of the child would change the colors. First idea is to make each child have selected cell watching the selected cell of parent. Then define observer on the selected of the child to actually change the colors. When I did that, I realized the need to ask for the colors from the parent, and setf them to local variables. Next, I noticed that hey, maybe foreground and background could be cells instead of local variables, and watching for the selected cell of the child. I ended up with one-line and 3 line observers for background and foreground, instead of single 15-line observer for the selected. Now the next thought is that perhaps I could get rid of some of the intermediate cells, in this case the selected cell of the child. I guess when you turn programming on its' head, the dataflow becomes the "difficult part". My intuition says that at least to some point more intermediate cells makes dataflow more visible and reusable. So I kept the selected. But this may be because my background is in C shop where code readability was emphasized.
btw, if you are going to stick with CAPI the way to go is replicate the Celtk/Cells-Gtk/OpenAIR family of wrappers with sufficient glue to more or less make CAPI disappear. I am pretty busy these days, but I have an obscure interest in seeing that happen, and it is not all that hard, I'd be happy to help.
Otoh, Cells-Gtk or Celtk free you from a Lispworks lock-in (not that that is
a bad thing).
Great. On this project I work with an user interface designer who is very visually oriented. Tk is a non-starter because the controls do not have a polished look. (Yeah, I know.). CAPI provides native GUI controls that are barely sufficient. But CAPI already limits us, however. For example, OS X Cocoa supports three sizes of controls, whereas CAPI has only one. I also don't like vendor lock-ins. What I would prefer would be an open-sourced version of something like CAPI, and cells-CAPI to go along with it. I think splitting this into two different projects is better than single one, because you can get those cells skeptics involved, too. I think open source CAPI could be one of the biggest things missing from Lisp right now. The first step into that direction would be to develop open source cells-CAPI. Perhaps it would also get more people interested in cells. I am ready to incrementally work towards something like this during this project, but of course, my deadline is impossible (like always). Best regards, Mikko Ahonen