Ok I have played with portaglut only a few minutes so nothing too insightfull: I load the program by running first "glbind.lpr" [no errors here] and then "opengl-ffi.lpr" which returns the following error Error: (SETF NIL) does not have a function definition [condition type: SIMPLE-ERROR] the options are to skip loading uffi.lpr (which was already loaded by glbind) or to skip loading opengl-ffi, aborting the loading of uffi.lpr seems to solve the problem. In fact deleting from opengl-ffi the line :projects (list (make-instance 'project-module :name "\\dvx\\uffi\\uffi")) allows the loading of the two projects in succession without any problem, by the way I need to run the two project as opengl-ffi although requiring glbind doesn't automatically load it. I then run (ogb::lesson-14) and get the following error Error: Attempt to call #("glClearDepth" 1669795401 0 2 1669795401) for which the definition has not yet been (or is no longer) loaded. [condition type: SIMPLE-ERROR] The program does manage to create a new window titled "NeHe's OpenGL Framework" however I only see the outline of it and nothing else. By the way I got an error similar to the one above when I tried to load a dll I had made for test purpose to learn to use uffi or acl-ffi, the loading of the dll went fine and lisp said library loaded however when trying to call the function I would get the same error (I think even the same numbers) but with the name of the function I had tried to call. I then gave up on ffi and uffi - though I still need to use some c code. Maybe this will help me out also with my work. Raistlin _________________________________________________________________ MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*. http://join.msn.com/?page=features/virus