Frank and I have gone to direct comms so as not to spam y'all, but Frank is making steady progress on the port. He has OpenMCL kicking off Glut/Opengl apps successfully, and FTGL font handling is in the bag. Next step is cl-magick for graphics files and cl-openal for audio files. We also need to make Apple's Glut play as well with Lisp as does Freeglut in re iterative development. Note that Frank and I are exchanging source directly, but soon will be using CVS so others can play along. Then comes a sweep back thru win32 and Frank's Linux port and, boom!, CL has a portable, functional-reactive* GUI with 3d graphics and 3d sound. kenny * The latest Cells prior art I have learned of, and the one that seems closest to Cells. Plus I never liked the word "constraints". :) kt