On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 9:24 PM, Frank Goenninger <frgo@mac.com> wrote:
Ok, so I am still trying to find out why the handler slot of the web app is always NIL.
That's what I get after creating the instance with make-instance:
That should work. Back in the day we had to call to-be on a new instance, but integrity-handling managed to eliminate that (or I just got smarter). What happens is that even with an apparent raw make-instance there is a check (in the shared-initialize method on model-object) to see if integrity is being managed and if not the old to-be handling gets invoked. If it isbeing managed md-awaken gets kicked off by the handling of "owned" slots (formerly special-case handled for the kids slot). What can stop this from happening is testing without calling cells-reset after a crash during which the *stop* (*c-stop*?) special gets set to t. Assuming that is not the case, all you can do is cut=paste the shared-init to make a custom copy specialized on web-app and add a kazillion print statements. In desperation, bounce your Lisp and start afresh as a sanity check. We have been banging on Cells internals lately, maybe something is broken. kt