Frank Goenninger writes:
I downloaded the Cells package via ASDF-INSTALL but just got the Cells package only, with no Cello in it (and it also seems somewhat outdated).
Yeah, that's Cells-I, and just happens to be the version used by a web app I wrote for a client (how convenient). Cello has never been asdf-install'able.
Do I have to go to CVS checking it out manually or do you plan to make a recent release of Cells including Cello available for ASDF-INSTALL ?
At the moment, you should check it out of cvs. Making the cell-cultures projects installable piecemeal will involve more hacking on asdf-aclproj because their interdependencies are specified with relative pathnames, rather than symbolically. Unless someone has a need to use asdf-install instead of cvs, I'll wait on this until either Cello is generally usable on OS X, or I get around to finishing Spider-Cell (a library to make Araneida Cells-friendly). Kenny uses the Allegro IDE, I use SBCL, so the asdf-related stuff is my fault.