On 9/3/06, franks-muc@web.de <franks-muc@web.de> wrote:

This is a feed back (with quetions) on my first experiments with cells/celtk
on mswindows and acl 7 trial.

- asdf installation of the lisp files is straight forward.

Wow, you may be the first to have done it, other than me and Frank, the developers. I usually warn people away from even trying. :)

- Of course, I had to install tcl and other software I did not know before (e.g . darcs).
  The togl.dll took me some time, but I had the spinning gears demo running after
  about 4 hours. I was so happy!

Yeah, OpenGL is great fun, altho challenging.

- Documentation for cells exists and is helpful !!
  After a study of ltktest-ci.lisp it was easy to do my own sample GUI with buttons, radios
  and labels.

Wow again. :)

- I never did a gui before. I only went through the interface builder demo of allegro a while ago
  and my impression was: I don't want to do that and avoid it as long as possible.
  Now I'm completely surprised how easy it is to set up a gui, and the automatic
  actions and updates made by cells are pure fun.

Yep. It would be even more fun if you had done a GUI before and knew what a pain it was once things  start to get complicated. I find I make fancier (and easier for the user) GUIs just because Cells makes it easy.

- The only problem I encountered so far is with the text entry widget:
  alphanumeric key strokes get through to the entry field only occasionally.
  May be only one of about five key strokes is shown in the entry field.
  Backspace and cursor left/right work correctly, however.
  This also happens in the moire demo of ltktest-ci.lisp.
  What can I do to improve this ?

I remember something like this happening, but forget  the details. I will fire up that demo and see what I can see. It may be a while because my  (win32) system seems close to a hard drive failure today (one blue screen already).
