P.S. It would be real nice to have a canonical git repository for each on github or gitorious.
I know CVS is quite old and people use darcs, git, svn, and mercurial these days, but what advantage is it exactly that we would get from migrating to git?
There is a repo for celtk on gitorious. It includes an extra "expander" widget that I created and leaves out some of the allegro specific stuff that's in vanilla celtk. I've never really worked seriously with any other VCS but here's some of the things I like about Git. 1. encourages frequent commits (since commits can be done locally) 2. easy to create branches (and easier to merge them) 3. a nice interface to the history of your project (gitk) 4. a really nice emacs-mode (M-x git-status, M-x git-annotate) 5. easy creation of tarballs (git archive HEAD >project.gz) It interoperates nicely with cvs so there's no problem with setting up a repo on gitorious whose master branch simply mirrors the cvs repo. I think I sent a message to the list a while back that shows the steps I took to do this for celtk. -- Andy -- ---- Andy Chambers Formedix Ltd