Kenny Tilton wrote:
OK, 3D-lovers, the (model) matrix is now your oyster (if UFFI loves you):
Just installed from ZIP. Errata: 1. In dvx/lib there is a freeglut.zip from which freeglut.dll should be extracted. Won't happen again. 2. Look for load of freeglut.dll from hard-coded "D:/dvx/lib". 3. Also look for hard-coded loads of opengl32 and glu32 from "/winnt". That's "/windows" on other wins, lord knows what on other oses. The bad news here is that uffi:load-library seems not to mind at all if it is asked to load a non-existent library, so the first sign of trouble is a runtime erorr something like "glClearColor? what the hell is that?" 4. ACL users: because the handling of the project files is such a phenomenal PITA, I get "opengl-bindings" package not found because after I change the defpackage inside the LPR (it's just source) to: (defpackage :opengl-bindings...) ACL changes it back to common-graphics whenever it feels like it. :) I would tell you the fix if I knew one, but in the past I just turn a few hundred monkeys trying things at random until it works, and then I never know which monkey fixed it nor certainly what they did to fix it. kenny