On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 3:56 PM, Frank Goenninger<frgo@me.com> wrote:
Hi Kenny, hi Andy,
Am 14.08.2009 um 16:07 schrieb Kenneth Tilton:
I do not have that code over here. Maybe FG committed something.
I did. But that just extended the number of Mouse Button Down handlers (on-mouse-...). Also I do not see this behaviour in my Celtk copy. I always get on-command fired immediately.
What version of tcl/tk are you using? If you're on 8.4, this could confirm my theory. My own copy has diverged somewhat from that in CVS so it's equally likely this is a problem of my own making :-) I sent an example earlier but forgot to CC the list. I'll re-attach it here... (defmd test-buttons (window) (title$ "My Buttons") (kids (c? (the-kids (mk-stack (:packing (c?pack-self)) (mk-stack () (loop for button-id in '(a b c) collect (let ((id button-id)) (mk-button-ex ((symbol-name id) (format t "hitting button: ~a" id))))))))))) If you click "A", then "B", then "C", the console will print... ;;nothing when you click "A" "hitting button: A" ;;when you click "B" "hitting button: B" ;;when you click "C"