Ken Tilton <kennytilton <at> optonline.net> writes:
Ah, great, mystery solved. But if a broken ASD caused you this much trouble, you really do want to look elsewhere for cool code, my libraries are a nightmare to install.
This would also be a notable improvement Index: cells-test.asd =================================================================== RCS file: /project/cells/cvsroot/cells/cells-test/cells-test.asd,v retrieving revision 1.1 diff -r1.1 cells-test.asd 12,25c12,23 < :components ((:module "cells-test" < :serial t < :components ((:file "test") < (:file "hello-world") < (:file "test-kid-slotting") < (:file "test-lazy") < (:file "person") < (:file "df-interference") < (:file "test-family") < (:file "output-setf") < (:file "test-cycle") < (:file "test-ephemeral") < (:file "test-synapse") < (:file "deep-cells"))))) ---
:components ((:file "test") (:file "hello-world") (:file "test-kid-slotting") (:file "test-lazy") (:file "person") (:file "df-interference") (:file "test-family") (:file "output-setf") (:file "test-cycle") (:file "test-ephemeral") (:file "test-synapse") (:file "deep-cells")))