3 May
3 May
7:17 p.m.
James Bielman writes:
On 3 May 2005, Thomas F. Burdick wrote:
This works for me in SBCL, LispWorks, CLISP, and and older OpenMCL. James, could you check this on your OpenMCL?
Yep, this works just fine in OpenMCL 0.14.3!
Great! I'm releasing it before I change my mind and track down the CMUCL problem.
About the CLOS package confusion in OpenMCL, the conditional logic in defpackage was backwards---in my patch I added OpenMCL to the list of implementations that /don't/ have a CLOS package:
(:use #:common-lisp - #-(or cormanlisp cmu sbcl) #:clos + #-(or cormanlisp cmu sbcl mcl) #:clos
D'oh. Oh well, the net effect was good -- we get symbols from the right place now, and that gross reader conditional is now positive.